The Christmas Story as Spirit Guidance

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2024

At this time of year, I am always reminded how the birth of Jesus illustrates our path in life, thus our duty to life.

When I consider the idea of a virgin birth, I think of how the seed of God within the heart of my soul darkness merges with the Light of God to birth within me New Life and new hope for mankind.  The Christ energies that flood the planet this time of year gives each soul the stimulus to manifest a better life, a more satisfying experience of life and the hope of a stronger connection with God in life.

Joseph and Mary represent the aspects of the masculine and feminine energies entrusted with the protection and the human direction for the soul in the world until such time as the soul can receive the blessings of God on its own.  While the 3 wise men represent the 3 gifts that the Universe grants each soul in gratitude for the soul's service to life:  Gold = Substance, Frankincense = Healing, Myrrh = Renewal.

With wealth, health and transformative abilities, the soul that was Jesus studied and traveled abroad to gather the wisdom of men and life. He integrated these into the whole that begins with the Christmas or Christ Mass story of His Life. 

The Christ story continues with the expressions of God throughout Jesus's life and His trials and temptations that we all struggle with in life. And His story ends with a death scene punctuating the ugliness and deceptive nature of mankind always present in this world. But, with the promise of Life in the fullness of God's Spirit when we have ascended to the throne of spirit.

Jesus came to gift us with another way to live. Every Christmas we have the opportunity to again surrender our struggles in life and to embrace the love and direction of God to create the promise of life.

My prayer for You and Yours is that you fully embrace the Christ Light this moment and hang on each day and night to soothe your soul and enliven your spirit to live the life God intended for you.


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